Education with Purpose: Knowledge Meets Action
At Susrama, we offer students a full educational curriculum that not only meets academic needs but builds career prospects. We understand that not everyone wants to or is suited to pursuing higher education, so while building critical knowledge for future social life, we also provide vocational training for critical industries around Sumatra Island where students can build towards a fulfilling, long-term career.
Combating Labor Exploitation and Human Trafficking
Furthermore, as an addition to our workshops and planned year-long courses, we have classes on labor exploitation and human trafficking, danger signs to avoid, and recruitment tactics.
Currently Offered Workshops
Hospitality in Sumatra Island is a multi-billion dollar and growing industry, and offers an abundance of job opportunities in customer relations, management, and sales & marketing. Through our experts from hotels around the island, we give students the real world knowledge and skills needed for a long-term career in the hospitality industry. The workshops provide an understanding about the hospitality industry as a whole, specifics about different regions on the island, and crash courses in MS Word, MS Excel, Business Communication, and Customer Service.
Maritime Ports
Mentor: Stanley Tham, Jurong Port Academy
Sumatra’s strategic location next to the Straits of Malacca has made it a prime location for maritime trade, and the port industry is undergoing rapid development and foreign investment. We provide opportunities to learn about the wide variety of positions that make a port hum and build on this insight to give basic training for inspections, coordinator, and administration roles. Crash courses in MS Word and MS Excel Core are included.
Mentor: Amaria Zega
Mentor: Dr. Samuel Eka
*Full, year-long courses are under development and will be offered soon!
Direct Apprenticeship Opportunities
Currently, our students have worked at: